diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2016



Niki is seventeen years old and she is studying second baccalaurate, meanwhile Alessandro is thirty seven years old and he is a young adversiting agent and he works a famous company. Niki and Alessandro met because they crashed in an accident. She was riding a motorbike and he was driving a car. Despite the difference age, the two protagonists fall in love with each other.
The characters:

Alessandro Belli:  is thirty seven years old and he is a young advertising agent and he works a famous company. At the begining he declare to Elena, her boyfriend, but she leaves. Then he meets Niki Caballi and he fell in love. His friends are Pietro, Flavio y Enrico.
Niki Caballi:  is seventeen years old and she is studying second baccalaurate. Is a happy, funny, but also responsible and a impulsive girl. Sinde the crashed she decided that Alessandro Belli is his Boyfriend.

This is a romantic film, and my favourite film.
This film is being with spanish version and italian version. The tracking of this film, call sorry but I married with you, but this film only is being with italian version.

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016


This year , I turn 16 , I'm super excited because now able to work, and besides that pordre drive a bike, which is what I was waiting for a long time. Then I'll sure any birthday party with my friends, because they are the support em all , help me in everything that can and deserve to have a party and guests who are in it. You may someday before, make the guest list , with family and friends, and then also organize as it will go my birthday party with confetti and many activities like preparing em to me. And that's all I think I'll do in my birthday party , have if I can have a splendid day and not have any problem to celebrate.




Just one week ago, a giant sinkhole opened up in Japan. The city mayor apologised for the sinkhole and blamed it on a nearby construction of a subway line extension. The sinkhole started filling up with sewage water, so officials and engineers battled against the time, and they managed to restore the traffic to the city just one week after the incident took place.


I think this news is brutal because it has made a buyer on the ground in the middle of China, although they are accustomed to this type of catastrophes I think it is very brutal since it could have killed a lot of people, therefore I think that since it has metos To see if there are earthquakes, could also have predicted this buyer on the ground.




 Crowds of people chanted “ Not my president ” in the streets of California to express their anger at the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Republican Donald Trump ' s victory over Hillary Clinton shocked many people and ended eight years of democratic control of the White House, but clearly, as the protests show, many people are not pleased with the outcome.

 Personal Opinion:
I Think hat the change of president that had united states will not be positive, I think that the country is going to be thes best power in the world to have countries peviously allies, against you.

New Words:


divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016

Mamma Mia

On 30th of Genuary 2016 with my friends, Gina Nuria, Bea and I went to Barcelona. We went to see the musical of Mamma Mia.
In the morning we were at riding center. At three o'Cloock we went to Bea's houses and we have taken a shower. At five o'cloock we went to Barcelona. We arribed at half past seven and we ate a sandwich with hot chocolate. At eight o'cloock we went to the theatre because we saw the backstatge. At nine O'cloock the musical began and finished at midnight. We arrived at Bea's houses at 2a.m and we whatch toy story 3.